The adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark twine, is a story about a
boy whose name is Tom. It is a classical story. In this story the boy
named Tom doing a lot of tricks and adventures. He has a brother named
Sid and a sister named Mary. He has a best friend named Huck berry
Finn, tom called him as huck. He is not only a best friend for him, he
is also a partner of all his adventures.
One of Tom's crazy adventures is when he and his friend were
in a graveyard trying to revive a dead person with a dead cat at
midnight. Before they begin their process they see three men, Muff
Potter, Dr. Robinson, and Injun Joe in the same graveyard. They
quickly hide behind the bushes because they do not want to be seen by
the three men. Instead, they witnessed Injun Joe murder Dr. Robinson
for revenge, and then Injun Joe accuses Muff Potter for the crime. So
scared, Tom and Huck run to a shed and complete a blood oath that they
will never talk about the crime scene to anyone or they will die and
Besides going on adventures, Tom also likes to tricks the
children to do his white washing and trade his trinkets for the
tickets that can be used to trade in for the Bible to impress the new
girl, Becky Thatcher when a student receives a Bible, it shows others
that they had been a good student.
Name : Soumya Paulose
Roll No: 43
boy whose name is Tom. It is a classical story. In this story the boy
named Tom doing a lot of tricks and adventures. He has a brother named
Sid and a sister named Mary. He has a best friend named Huck berry
Finn, tom called him as huck. He is not only a best friend for him, he
is also a partner of all his adventures.
One of Tom's crazy adventures is when he and his friend were
in a graveyard trying to revive a dead person with a dead cat at
midnight. Before they begin their process they see three men, Muff
Potter, Dr. Robinson, and Injun Joe in the same graveyard. They
quickly hide behind the bushes because they do not want to be seen by
the three men. Instead, they witnessed Injun Joe murder Dr. Robinson
for revenge, and then Injun Joe accuses Muff Potter for the crime. So
scared, Tom and Huck run to a shed and complete a blood oath that they
will never talk about the crime scene to anyone or they will die and
Besides going on adventures, Tom also likes to tricks the
children to do his white washing and trade his trinkets for the
tickets that can be used to trade in for the Bible to impress the new
girl, Becky Thatcher when a student receives a Bible, it shows others
that they had been a good student.
Name : Soumya Paulose
Roll No: 43
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